Het is bijna kerst, eerst nog even de verjaardag van oudste vieren die 21 jaar geleden op kerstavond werd geboren, ons geliefde kerstkindje. 3 weken te vroeg, en perfectionistisch als ik toen zeker nog was (als je kinderen hebt leer je sommige dingen los laten) stond ik weeen hebbend kerstkleden te strijken en de kerstboom op te tuigen. Want lange tijd heb ik het vol gehouden de boom pas op kerstavond op te zetten, zoals traditie was hier in Holland. Toen had ik ook altijd een wit met zilveren boom zoals mijn ouders en schoonouders nog steeds hebben. Maar tijden veranderen...
Mijn kroonluchter in de gang, groen en met heel veel hartjes. Veel liefde stuur ik ieders kant op, fijne kerstdagen met jullie geliefden.
Wel heb ik nog steeds de traditie in ere gehouden om echte kaarsjes te branden, hiervoor zoek ik dan ook altijd een goede kerstboom. Tegenwoordig vul ik het wel met kunstlichtjes aan, voor de rest van de dag, aangezien de kerstboomkaarsjes maar 1 1/2 uur branden.
Wel, de rijsttafel voor vanavond is gereed, we zijn met 15 man. Het wordt vast gezellig. Straks nog een paar boodschapjes halen, en maar hopen dat de kapper vandaag nog open is. En dan, veel plezier!!
zondag 23 december 2012
zaterdag 1 december 2012
Last week we had a rather unpleasant surprise, an intruder payed us a visit. It was about 22.00 in the evening, G., youngest and me were sitting in the living room, talking and looking at the television. Youngest had just cleaned the " cats toilet" "( a literal translation of the dutch word poezenbak, I haven't got a clue what the english word would be), and after some time he noticed that the kitchen door at the back of our house was open. And it isn't supposed to, to cold. He called, G went to him, and they came to the conclusion someone had entered our home!! We were sitting there, just around the corner!! This is what catched their eye...
The stairs to the first floor in our hallway. Normally 2 of my bags are hanging here. So this was stolen. Youngest was very frightened, a little bit shaking. What if this person was still in our house??
In short, we called the police to report this, and they came immediately, to my surprise. And they took the time to write everything and one of them went outside with a flashlight to look if he could find something.
After 2 days they called us to tell my bags had been found with luckily enough my passport, drivers licence and so in it. But we still had to make arrangements for other things like new locks and keys, and car key.
I'm mostly shocked by the impertence of ths person, just to walk in our house while we were sitting there.
And now some other photo's, I love colours and candle light...
And so does my cat Loesje...
And these are some things I made inspired by Blogland...
These glass covers are very easy to make, just improvise.
In the meantime I'm crocheting a blanket for G's daughter, and this will be a big one, 2 x 2 meter.
Oh, and I do have to share this, my cat Zorro, while sleeping. Due to the flashlight he opened his eyes a little....
And thanks for your nice comments, I appreciate it a lot. Groetjes, Gerda
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